Monday 26 May 2008

We're watching the Detectives

THE MTV Spanking New Music Tour rolled into London last night and lived up to
every aspect of its name.

Merseyside trio THE RASCALS kicked off the intimate Islington Academy

Clearly riding high on his album chart-topping success with THE LAST SHADOW
PUPPETS alongside ARTIC MONKEYS’ ALEX TURNER, cheeky singer
and guitarist MILES KANE looked confident.

And it was clear his heart remains with The Rascals, as he had the crowd
singing along to their dark and rocky pop melodies, including excellent
upcoming single Freakbeat Phantom.

They were swiftly followed by Peckham boys THE METROS, who picked up
the pace and ran with it.

Swaggering on stage, decked out in pirate hats and shades, their lively set
reflected the inspiration of their hero IAN DURY – with next single
Last Of The Lookers even produced by his son BAXTER.

With a potent 1950’s rock ‘n’ roll influence, their dynamic brand of indie
punk was pure entertainment.
Opening act ... The RascalsLIVEPIX
Fully revved up, the crowd lapped up headliners THE PIGEON DETECTIVES.

Frontman MATT BOWMAN pogoed around, flailing his trademark shaggy hair
and spraying onlookers with water.

(Un) Fortunately on this occasion there were no girls with wet T-shirts.

Not dampened by security attempts to stop them crowd surfing, the audience
clapped and bounced around as Bowman leapt from the drum kit and belted out
a boisterous rendition of favourite Take Her Back.

After criticising the dubious taste of a fan’s jumper that had been chucked
onstage, the boys treated the crowd to more of their new material.
All in all it was a spanking good show.